Paranoid Android (sometimes says dumb things)

Graduated college and immediately bought a house? This story cannot be real.

He was born this way? As in a sociopath? Is that an accepted defense, nowadays?

please list the number of times a man’s outfit has kept them from boarding a flight? 

That is absolue bullshit. Those passes are OWED to employees and their family, and absolutely should not be licsense for the employer to have a say in what they wear. Especially when they are flying for leisure and not on duty. They can’t govern someone’s personal choices like that. Certainly not children who don’t

She might miss Obama as much as we do.

Oh shit, this is freaking hilarious!

Good to know, Fred. I thought it was you!

Now playing

LA Times FGMP is not the same person as Kinja FGMP. I’ve been working as an MP since I was 17

I understand what you are saying, but I’d imagine that to a black person, a white guy waving the Confederate flag is a message of “I wish that you black people were once again property of white people.”

They’ll probably confirm him because of it. One more crazy bitch who got what she deserved in their eyes.

Hard to believe a guy who makes an ad like this would treat women as objects.

I actually joined the party in replying to Morgan. And then, after her final takedown, sent Jo this .gif:

My dad was reading her takedowns of them. He was laughing at how she handled them.

I saw her clapback at someone who was pissed at her for being vocal against Trump. The woman said something to effect that she was going to throw her HP books away or burn them, and JKR was like, “ that’s fine. I already got your money. Byeeeeee!”

You asked. And I answered the call.

She’s still