I absolutely cannot believe the gall of McConnell to claim that it’s Obama who is politicizing this.
I absolutely cannot believe the gall of McConnell to claim that it’s Obama who is politicizing this.
Ha! He’ll make the Blue Room a man-cave with a huge TV, surround sound and theater seats. And the CHRISTMAS TREE THEMES!
Ah, yes, beans. The musical fruit, as I’ve been told.
You see, I like the idea of a First Gentleman. No woman can follow Michelle without getting compared to that flawless goddess. Bill, though. That’s just a whole different kettle of beans.
I think that Bill Clinton could be a pretty cool FLOTUS.
Flotus is a righteous woman, all kick ass and smart and I raise my girls to go get it. And Potus, father of the Fucking millennium. Love those two like a triple gin with extra gin. My selfish, do as ya please catnip addicted feline babies agree. Don’t ya? Hey, stop look in at yer me and mom like that! We just fed u…
Yes, because those two things are equally depressing and directly comparable.
I know this is victim blaming, but whyyyyyyyy does anyone go to North Korea when you know that the slightest misstep can result in YEARS of imprisonment?
On one hand, I feel sorry for him. But on the other, I don’t.
I’m a great hostess! Everybody gets a thank you note.
Also thank you to commenter from which I stole this glorious meme.
He speaks in the five-words-then-pause cadence of a smug high school debate-club champion. It grates, it grates.
You called her “sHills.” You didn’t even refer to her by her given first name. So you can spout all you want about mean and median (I took a few stats classes too, buddy) but you clearly have a bias here.
Also, men on trial always seem to have admirers, often more based on how hideous their crimes are. Scott Whatshischops who killed his pregnant wife and dismembered her and threw her remains in the bay had loads of women who wanted to bone him/marry him/write him in jail. Fuckin hell. A good portion of humanity is…
(Disclaimer: I work at a flooring store. And I’m posting from work.)