Paranoid Android (sometimes says dumb things)

Great. Now I am incredibly distracted thinking about having sex with Colin Firth. I mean, Colin Firth having sex.

One that gets paid even if he/she loses.

What kind of lawyer does he have that didn’t foresee this? I’m seriously curious about the line of thinking there.

So who do you think will? A four times bankrupt failed businessman whom Fortune magazine said was worth basically what he inherited, about $300MM, and a businessman so pathetic that a decent mutual fund could have yielded more? Or a religious head case who would like nothing more than an end of days, with him at the

we just call her “the spouse of the prime minister of canada”.

it’s super catchy, eh?

I don’t think Hillary will give a damn.

Meanwhile, here in Canada, we’ll still have the Trudeau’s.

No matter who wins in November, the First Couple won't look a fraction as good as the Obamas.

Absolutely adore the color of the whatever-the-Canadian-word-is-for-First-Lady’s dress.

I like to think he waited patiently for that tweet. He knew it was coming and he sat there waiting for it. It was glorious.

She’s DiLo-est.

I can’t see him Russian into anything. I think he’s only 22.

Unusual or offbeat people are always going to catch shit from people who think, for one reason or another, that mocking others makes them look good. If the testimony from the locals is true it sounds like it’s rolling right off their collective back. Keep on saving the birds, ladies, it’s a fine mission, and one that

the proposal is one of my fave guilty pleasure movies.

The Canadians can have Alaska as long as they promise to keep the Palins.

This is the only correct way of thinking about the election this year. I can’t wait to vote for Hilary but fuck yeah I’ll feel the Bern should he go all the way. A fucking monkey would be better than the current crop of shitbags in red.

Is this a shock to anyone? Mellie, a boss ass bitch, seems to be heavily based on Hillary Clinton.

She needs high profile men to endorse her in this way. Polls show men have a real problem with putting a woman in the oval office.

Huge Clinton fan, huge Kerry Washington fan, though not a major fan of any of these shows. The line “the real world has Hillary Clinton” gave me tingles. Such a powerful line (though admittedly, it probably preaches to the choir more than to the converted).