That’s fucking wild, but there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell I’m watching anything from TLC.
I felt bad for laughing at this.
Exactly. The whole point of being convicted for rape *is* to shamble your life, because you shambled someone else’s.
That is the exact thing I say when people compliment my glasses! I usually follow up by making them look into my ears and tell me how hot they think my hearing aids make me look
This is exactly what I thought. Well done!
anything that includes using archer gifs is always welcome in my book
are we still doing "phrasing"?
Seriously. It just doesn’t make business sense. While they aren’t under any obligation to provide free condoms, it’s just the smart thing to do from a business perspective: you don’t want your crew catching diseases or getting pregnant as illness and turnover are costly and a hassle, so make preventing these things as…
But they are offering them the safest contraception of all, abstinence. The only time that ever failed to work was when the Virgin Mary got pregnant by God. For my bible tells me so.
Sheesh, someone sounds like they've been stuck on sexless island too long... Time to get off.
And customers. Screw Norwegian cruises.
Not to discount the needs of employees, but isn’t it possible guests on the ship might need access to contraceptives? Do guests not get access anymore either? How would one make these available to guests while denying employees? How desperate would an employee have to be to approach a guest to sneak them these…
“Viola Davis is pushing 50 and her first real chance to shine has been in a show created by a black woman. Which means that despite her talent she has been paying her dues for decades while lesser artists (overwhelmingly white) got great roles, great money and either succeeded or failed but whatever they did , they…
Well, she's a woman. White men, with the exception of Alex Pettyfer, get away with being difficult more easily.
Terrence Howard has Oscar acclaim and some Gibson-esque problems without his box office power and he’s been able to find work. Before Empire, he screwed himself out of the Iron Man series.