Paranoid Android (sometimes says dumb things)

Like literally the least we could do if we’re going to send you to war that might result in injuries to your fertility is help you work around that if possible so you can still have a biological child if that’s what you want.

I won’t pretend to know what happens behind closed doors. Aside from that, there’s no reality where Stacey Dash is just as good an actor as Mel Gibson. Disgusting political views aside, Gibson is an incredibly talented actor and certainly that must account for some of his success. I get your point, but your post

...because the guy was one of the biggest box office draws IN HISTORY, UNLIKE Dash and THAT is the key difference. I mean, he did the Mad Max series and Lethal Weapon series which alone is better than most other actors could ever wish for.

You’re missing context here. Mel Gibson was one of Hollywood’s most respected actors before his meltdown. You cannot compare Gibson’s career to Stacey Dash’s. And for that reason he’s still been able to do some work. It has less too do with his skin color and more to do with his legacy.

This is just not a reasonable fight when you’re talking Stacey Dash. She is a horrible actress who only has a career because she fits into white people’s mold of acceptable black beauty (lightish skin, light eyes).

Probably because rough rides aren’t a “common sense” safety issue but one of profound malice toward the public by the police.

The lack of seatbelts is somehow less concerning than so-called professionals that are actively trying to injure people.



Seriously, how is this not already a thing?

Heigl is a way better actress than Stacey Dash. Dash is on par with Pamela Anderson at best.

Right? What a self-serving explanation of why people can’t stand you. “People say I’m not black enough” is Stacey Dash’s version of “those other kids at school don’t like me because I’m smarter than them.”

I once loved his movies, now no matter how good they are I cannot watch them. I think many others feel the same way.

Your argument doesn’t really make a lot of sense to me because, in Hollywood, Dash would be considered rather successful. She has worked steadily for over 20 years—that’s a huge deal. And she’s pretty much equally as successful as Alicia Silverstone—who also doesn’t have a real career these days (she just writes books

Joan Crawford??

I don’t know what scripts she and her agent received. I know her former co-star Alicia Silverstone is similarly obscure now.

Of all the things to cape up for... Stacey Dash’s acting ability? You’re right, she was a Meryl Streep waiting to happen before white Hollywood told her to kick rocks.

I’m curious.....what point do you think you’re responding to?

She works pretty consistently, looking at her imdb. But nothing really memorable. We all love Clueless, and I’m glad it bought her 20 years of work and counting, but she’s just not that good.