Pablo Neruda

I’m not sure where we disagree. All we need is for the Supreme Court to regulate guns per the following order: Complete ban.

Disagree. Just make the buy back program generous and no questions asked.


The First Amendment is outdated and unnecessary, I agree with that. It is not quite as outdated as the Second Amendment though.

I agree with you both that I am American and that most Americans are as you describe. Not us DREAMERs though. We are a different breed setting the terms of the new American identity.

Every mass shooting is preventable. Every single one. There is one final solution for all of this: ban guns and repeal the Second Amendment.

I don’t have the money to leave and rebuild. If Trump wants us all gone he should pay us a reasonable sum to accomplish that. I would leave immediately if I was given fifteen thousand dollars to do so.

Not if you understand nuance.

Yes, America truly has one of the worst medical industries in the world.

If you use the gross, or unadjusted, figures then I can see why you would say something like that. If you use the evenly distributed per capita figures, gun violence is actually much lower in Mexico than in the US.

“I know not what weapons WWIII will be fought with, but WWVI will be fought with sticks and stones.”

I am being forced to remain.

That is not even a lose approximation of what I said.

Yours is a strawman argument. I do not entertain such nonsense, and I never will.

Is it subterfuge to acknowledge that Bernie has an abysmal history on gun control? Is a simple truth subterfuge?

Cue the Bernie Bros trashing a woman for not getting on board with their “super obvious” choice.

Your username is “Voice of Reason,” and yet... you are not being very reasonable in your response to me.

You again.

I hear this from Trump supporters all the time, that my family and I are not equipped to get real jobs and that is why we come to America. Patently false.

Good point. After Hillary defeated Bernie in the primary it seems they went into hiding or something. They were a lazy crowd to begin with, so not very surprising that they have all but disappeared.