
It’s almost as if putting a complete moron who doesn’t know jack about squat in charge isn’t actually a good idea after all. I thought we learned this last time, but hey, cheaper eggs, (maybe)!

im not as worried about the 200% tariff on cars from mexico, It’s the Freightliners, International Trucks, And in the not-so-distant future Mack trucks. You just raised the shipping pricing of everything.

I just don’t know if I can bring myself to care at this point.
I’m almost certain that a majority of the staff, and management at our Auto companies, voted FOR this.
They can FAFO.
Lay thine eyes upon the garden where I grow my fucks.
And see that it is barren.”

Another item on the endless list of Trump face-plants when he complains about trade with Mexico when it’s shaped by his own signature trade agreement.

Musky did say that financial hardship would be good for people.

I’m honestly hoping for it. It’s the only way these idiots may have a chance of being woken up from their fever dream that Trump’s ideas, and republicans in general, are actually good for them.

Heard some pretty shocking news that even some people who voted democrat down ballot still voted for Trump simply because they think he will be better for the economy! I saw latinx people watch Trump says he think they have “murder genes” and still said they would vote for him.

Trump is going to screw over *everybody* but himself and his billionaire buddies.

Imagine you’re a Chinese manufacturer that really wants to expand their footprint in central and south america, when suddenly a bunch of gently used automobile manufacturing plants in Mexico go up for sale. Oh happy day!

This is going to be fun. Let’s put the kibosh on the pickup trucks that are such an essential part of the average MAGAt’s lifestyle. After all, it just isn’t impressive to fly a “Make America Great Again” flag from the back of a Prius.

Hey Trump & His Minions... follow along here:

The only ones who get hurt are people. The same fucking morons who voted for Trump.

The House is already in R control, the Senate has been or is about to be called for them.  Congressional approval isn’t going to be a problem. 

That’s the great irony in all this.  He negotiated the USMCA deal which replaced NAFTA.  He literally has to repeal and replace his own trade deal to levy tariffs.  It would require congressional approval to dismantle the USMCA which he could probably get but then what?

Assuming there will be elections in 4 years. “You’ll never have to vote again!”

I’m not sure if Trump can execute tariffs on Mexico. It would violate the USMCA (which replaced NAFTA and was negotiated by Trump-he called it his “best deal”). If he wants to withdraw from the USMCA it would require congressional approval.

Perhaps Nissan being 16% of Mexico’s total light vehicle production had a small part in them laying off 20% their workforce yesterday?

Yeah, but automakers won’t feel a pinch. They will jack up prices of cars. And since number of cars on US roads has grown significantly, people will need new cars. They will also layoff workers, which works better for companies’ bottom line. Stock price goes up, money goes brrrr.

It’s not just about companies not investing in Mexico. It’s about plants already in Mexico being shuttered with some models no longer being available and the overall supply of cars in the U.S. cratering. It’s about companies losing billions in investments. It’s about vehicle prices shooting up. It’s about cheap

I’d like to see some commentary about how during his prior term Trump blew his own whistle long and hard about his triumphant “BETTER THAN NAFTA” (but basically the same as NAFTA) negotiation, and how now his first major promise is to gut it entirely.