The kind of people who prep for this situation tend to be the kind of people who fantasize about this situation. There’s a part of them (sometimes a big part of them) that hopes this will happen.
The kind of people who prep for this situation tend to be the kind of people who fantasize about this situation. There’s a part of them (sometimes a big part of them) that hopes this will happen.
One thing I’ve never understood about these doomsday prepper people who need to be armed to the teeth to prepare for the coming apocalypse is... if the world has seriously deteriorated to the point where you need to kill other people to survive; where food and medicine are scarce and supply chains have no chance of…
Same, and this lack of basic education and intelligence is also found in the Survivalist and Flat Earther groups.
Up until a few years ago the variety of different conspiracy theorists were largely segregated. There was some overlap between them, but the pandemic created the Unified Conspiracy Theory. This is now why people ranging from Superstonk financial conspiracists to UAP folks, to anti-vaxxers and flat earthers, all just…
I was firmly in the cover-up, Bermuda Triangle and the paranormal camp, heavily influenced by my reading of “The Morning Of The Magicians” and Von Daniken’s books until my early 20s when I realized what general relativity was about and that Lobsang Rampa was in reality a middle-aged British plumber.
OK, look at this from the following standpoint: There’s a group of Americans, very likely tied at the hip to a certain political party, that emphatically teaches and preaches ‘the government can do no good, the government is incompetent, the government messes up everything they touch’. Yet these same people are…
“UFOs (or, rather, UAP, as they’re now known)“
You can NOT almost always substitute dutch process cocoa for natural cocoa, not in recpies that call for chemical leavening. If your recipe contains baking powder/baking soda, they depend on a certain pH that the recipe expects from natrual cocoa powder - I know from making a batch of very dark and delicious but VERY…
Let’s not forget the desire to ‘amplify the signal’ perpetrated by those who are desperate for anything to distract or entertain the masses who might otherwise decide it was time to string up their masters for their gross negligence and corruption.
It seems the Venn diagram between QAnuts and UFOlogists is almost a circle.
I believe its a statistical impossibility that we are alone in the universe, but even I know the chances they visit or are even aware or capable of reaching us is astronomically unlikely. These crazies would be better off devoting their energies to something more productive. UFO sightings can usually be explained and…
I hope they’ve added some patch fixes and better optimization to The Saboteur because I remember it running poorly.
Compared to other cocoa powder, Dutch-process cocoa powder has lower acidity, which means higher pH. Lower pH = more acidic, just as stated in the Serious Eats post linked above.
Dutch process is always the better cocoa powder.
I dream of a world where empathy happens without it having to be because “it hit home”, can’t we be kind to people who aren’t our family?
It would be interesting to have a show where he has a non-binary grandchild and learns the meaning of empathy.
“Two Half Men”
To me, the big problem with the ME3 ending was that Mass Effect was defined by binary choices - the ethics aren’t always clear, one isn’t “evil” while the other is “good”, but they at least feel consistent. Paragon vs Renegade. A Paragon frees the Rachni Queen because she and the rachni deserve to be free, a Renegade…
It wasn’t about the choices we made, it was about the Marauder Shields we lost along the way :(
Gotta cater to the red state viewership somehow. Make Tim Allen’s neighbor Kevin Sorbo.