
I saw a guy in court today who admitted to killing a woman in her home and setting her body on fire claim on a recorded court call that God must have made him do it for a reason because everything happens for a reason.

If God doesn’t make mistakes, why did he flood the world and kill everyone but Noah and his family. That sure sounds like a “gee I fucked up and need to start over" to me.

Spoken like a guy who raped a woman at some point in his life.

So he’s rabidly pro-life and pro-”God don’t make mistakes”, but he’s a big supporter of the death penalty? How does someone reconcile these??

Asshoe is too kind, he’s a legitimate sociopath.

I bet it’s not.

The source article is definitely worth reading:

Is there a competition among these people for who can say the most offensive thing? I mean, really . . . he thinks pregnant one year olds are a) possible, b) likely enough to be mentioned, and c) ought to bear their rapist’s child? I really can’t decide which part of that is worst.

one wonders how these men would feel if this happened to their mothers, sisters, daughters.

I’m not proud of the thoughts that go through my head when I read articles like this. Right now, the things I wish would happen to Sen. Rick Brattin (R) are particularly uncharitable. 

Sen. Rick Brattin (R) explained his vote by arguing that being forced to carry their rapist’s baby could be “healing” for victims.

The title is reference a Soviet attempt at this. Terrifying. And naïve to think this stuff is still not war-gamed behind the scenes:

AI is concerning and it isn’t.

Would you like to play a game?

We now have the COTD winner.

straight to escalation

God I am sick and fucking tired of these bullshit AI wargaming ”simulations” that just amount to “we talked to a chatbot”.

The Brits already did. Fortunately it was designed by Leyland.

“Hey, you know what would be cool? How about we make Skynet? Guys? Guys?