Yeah, 'ilcebra88' is probably the latest incarnation of 'shattered myths' aka 'seatosky' He keeps getting blocked and coming back because he really, really loves to hear himself talk and thinks we appreciate his opinions on who's hot and who's not.
Yeah, 'ilcebra88' is probably the latest incarnation of 'shattered myths' aka 'seatosky' He keeps getting blocked and coming back because he really, really loves to hear himself talk and thinks we appreciate his opinions on who's hot and who's not.
That's... a pretty involved system. Huh.
I just thought he was a one-and-a-while reasonable dude with some really backwards opinions that jump out and surprise you.
In culinary school, my sadistic skills instructor made us make piles of French omelets until we rolled them just fucking right, that asshole. I feel like you're robbing your readers of that wonderful moment in their skills development by flopping the thing over like their dressing their beds (which is exactly how I…
I'm not an expert on Japanese tort law by any means— Kyosuke (another commenter) may comment on here and may be able to answer that better than me. That would be complicated, since it would also involved contract law, and I'm not sure how much risk the individual assumes there.
Social pressures are a really powerful tool in Japan. They'll easily enforce it.