
Right, of course.

Yep - basically there was a whole cascade of negative consequences for the majority of men and women, except for the 1% who needed a steady supply of warm bodies to hold up the base of the pyramid. So, not so different from today...

Aw shucks, what can I say?

You two should hook up; I'm sure she'd make beautiful nipple music with you (within the bounds of a church-sanctioned marriage and strictly for the act of procreation, of course).

Replying to promote so that hopefully this won't end up being swallowed up by Kinja...

At this point, I think that their argument is basically, "but sluts don't deserve healthcare, or jobs or anything that nice, normal, non-slutty, actual people need/want".

Oh, if only Lila Rose were a few years older; she would have been a great target.

Also, I imagine that actual condom usage is pretty unevenly distributed.

Grilled asparagus to start, with pineapple fruit salad to follow?

Thanks for the article. I'd only read about POM Wonderful in the news, so reading up on the wider context was enlightening - if rather sobering.

Pineapple is on topic insofar as it's the yin to asparagus' yang.

Is it nominative determinism or just the tao of the internet that WillaCatheter should be making this post? Either way, it is a thing of beauty.

Sounds great, but I'd make a few minor alterations...

Nice catch.

Good point RE feminine-presenting male athletes.

Move over man sending out unofficial medals in recognition of placing fourth, I think we have a new unofficial Olympic class act.

Amusing, but obviously they're aware of the problems inherent in their pet project...

Any port in a storm - at least iceberg lettuce doesn't come in a can (yet!) ;)

Eh, I think that the similarity is unintentional, which is all the more sinister to me. It seems more like the Catholic Church's hypocrisy and accompanying "it's technically okay" sleights of hand are rubbing off.

I'm inclining towards gesture because: