
Cougar: 1

Dallasite ~30 years. I can count on both hands the number of times in the entire lifetime that we've had need of a snowshovel/chains. Ice on the other hand is bad enough (Melted/Refrozen) that once there's a 1/8th inch glaze, you just stay indoors.

You forgot to add "Yeee Haaaa!".

I live in Dallas. I have a snow shovel. We've used it twice in the last three years. Saved my back.

Maybe somebody said "There's no shoes needed in Texas" and they misunderstood?

Lincoln County is a heavily wooded area on the Canadian border, with a sparse population of just under 20,000 people. It's also an area of low crime, which makes one wonder why a local police department received a $65,000 armored vehicle. Fear of invasion from the Royal Mounted Police?

This viral marketing for Geico is getting weird.


I can't wait for the sequel, Lycanthrope Lawyer.

Do you have any information on this new 'Soylent Green' I've been hearing about?

"Time hiccup?"

"New red shirt?"

I've found my ride for the zombie apocalypse. Horribly inefficient, and likely no less dangerous to yourself, but man the STYLE.

Seriously, why does Gizmodo want us all to eat bugs so damn badly?

And Imperial walkers are where it's AT-AT.

Hopefully next season will be chock of of stone hearts..... that someone giving him a hairjob?