
I thought I enabled my pop-up blocker ! Damn it firefox ^.^

Exactly my point...look at Superman, it would be interesting to look into what exactly he cannot do. Don't start with the Cryptonite crap- its bull shit !

The title picture made me think that this was an article about robosexuality !

The red pant with insignia on Kirk....... well I have always known that its required for a superhero to wear his well thought contrast briefs over his tights but this one here is the first example where a hero wears 'only' his socks on his propaganda "red" tights ! Combine that with the bare torso ....and ...... um

Doctor Who looks like the hate child of Cat-in-a-hat and Willy Wonka now ! Hate Hybrid looks is cool in Christmas .......

Can't help but tag this Amazon review of a "Whole Rabbit" :)

Banana split threesome ? Man post apocalyptic society is awesome !

Good point, Alexander is half Klingon ! I must be huffing......

This shows that Riker definitely stopped being attentive to blue uniformed female space sailors who also happen to be the ship's counsellor (or ex counsellor). No wonder Troi tried to run away with that Bonehead Half Klingon Worf !

Green ! Why on earth green ? and then why white ? Make it all lime green if you are at it. Aliens will definitely not conquer earth after that. This will then be known across planets as the 'human condition'.

It was already big, now its got super-sized. Sounds like someone fell to the 'enlargement pills' email scams :)

hear hear...just the first steps towards getting ourselves a nice serving of T-Virus. Old people with zombie hearts will be even more menacing than the pu$$ies that you see ride a mo-bike in the films. Reality will be way stranger than fiction !

Chemistry 101 : TL;DR, shit !!!!

QWERTY keyboards on email heavy phones. Nothing beats that.

Contrary to the apparent disgust that this post is trying to imply, there is still a clan of very dedicated connoisseurs who will appreciate this macabre collection as revolutionary pieces of cuisine art.....Cannibals (closeted ones too).........io9 truly is for everyone, even them ! its just a matter of time before

Can we COTD this one ?

Well, you must then also consider the field. The em field will destroy the media not the dilation (assuming there really is a time dilation) . But manual second count is a good idea given the person is alert till the last minute.....or we can always send the dog in there :P

If really there is a time dilation which in theory should be a fourth dimensional phenomenon and hence not physically measurable with three dimensional tools. The field will destroy the tape/cd whatever unless that's what you want to consider as proof. I suspect if at all it records it will record periods of static

So Deus Ex is a reality in the near future !

Ever been to Finland ? average holiday inn rooms are like that.