
Inuit to winuit

If you live and work in New York City, you should not be allowed to carry a backpack unless you are absolutely willing to take off said backpack the second you enter the subway and leave it off the entire time you’re on the train. Nothing is worse than Oblivious Backpack Guy, taking up an entire person’s worth of

In hockey, they spell it “Primeau.”

But, with the blast shield down, he can’t even see! How’s he supposed to catch?

President Dewey favorited your Tweet

You used three sets of parentheses, but one period? You should not be in any school system.

A hot dog.

Mental health issues can be terrible. You inevitably feel like it’s you vs. yourself.

The hottest of takes.

+ 1 chromosome

+0.08 FINE work

“You’re not following Cardinal Way.”

Make fun all you want, but Peter Gammons is one of the world's busiest and foremost acronymologists. While we blather on and on, Gammons can fit 140 words into 140 characters.

Winter Stadium Series is coming

That is NOT how the second verse goes of that song.

Guys don't dump friends, they just fade away. That way, who knows, down the road your interests might converge and you're friends again. It's a very elastic concept.

Let that be a lesson to you kids: if you want to be disoriented, woozy, suffer blackouts and have trouble standing on your feet, just get a concussion like a responsible adult.