
Seriously felt the need to call out a critique of a useless comment on the internet?

Ha, its amazing how wrong you are.

It doesn’t have NFC either. This is a deal breaker for me. No NFC, no purchase. I make half of my monthly expenses (maybe more) using google wallet. Sorry OnePlus.

That’s a good argument but not a ubiquitous one. The 2016 Mazda Miata only weighs single digit lbs more than the 1994 Mazda Miata. There is far more technology and safety systems in the new one. I think it is also more powerful. So your theory is not universal across all car makes/models.

There is no reason to not have an ez pass. It costs no money, it only adds convenience. Even if you only RARELY drive on the highway, there is just no reason not to have one. Cars should come with them preinstalled so that all you have to do is call and activate it. makes things SO. MUCH. EASIER.

Don’t forget about the people who see that the light is now yellow, but there are 2 cars already in the middle of the intersection because traffic on the otherside is stopped, and they go anyway, and sit in the middle causing gridlock. Why don’t more people get ticketed for gridlock?!

Do you have kids? If the answer is yes, then there really aren’t many options for your scenario, the answers are, put your goddamn toys away because kids put everything in their mouth, or don’t own them. I don’t really see how that is so difficult for anyone with a smidge of common sense. I have a daughter who’s under

No other country offers car/truck? You realize Australia has them for sale NOW. You can buy them new down under.

There are TONS of improvements that you won’t ever actually see. And as an average user, you might not even notice. But a large number of power users want these improvements badly.

If they’re not allowing other people to verify the experiment, then it’s not really science, and they are not really scientists.

I’m currently a Mechanical Design Engineer. I do a lot of detail drawings and dimensions as well as prototyping work. When faced with a problem, I almost always boot up what I like to think of as my internal SolidWorks. I build up whatever it is in my head, run tests, simulate what might happen if you were to do this,

This is the least intelligent comment I have read all day. And that’s REALLY saying something...

That was phenomenal. Out of knowhwere, helmet to the face.

I can personally attest that at least the forging tooling for structural members have survived.

If you have your mirror’s set like this, they are set correctly, and you will see the bike coming. That’s what PeteRR was getting at.

and it looks.....like a completely normal BMW. Nothing that stands out design wise. Kind of boring. 5/10, would not buy (even if I COULD afford it :P)

I am truly and honestly not trying to be a fanboy here or trying to start a flame war or anything, but you essentially just described stock android. Maybe give a new handset with KitKat or Lollipop a shot?

Maybe if they had a 1st party keyboard that worked well you wouldn’t have this problem? *cough google keyboard cough*

Maybe the designated wingtip areas were decided based on airflow simulations over a custom built part? That’s something that could happen. Don’t be such a negative nancy :P

I don’t know what you’re talking about. I CNC all the time, and I can totally cut with just a sharp. I am also able to race with a fast and cook with a hot. Seriously I don’t see any problem with the article. /sarcasm