
that's not what the demo is showing. What the demo shows is a person skyping with an expert, and that expert pointing out, in "hologram" (in quotes because of misuse of the word) arrows where the part needs to go, or what the person needs to look at. This demo needs absolutely no manufacturer support whatsoever. What

uhm, You realize that the Kinect is actually tracking your body, using visual sensors. The Wii is just tracking a controller, with accelerometers in it. Not even remotely the same thing.

I haven't seen a laptop in 3-4 years that didn't have built in Bluetooth. I've never owned an apple....anything, except a first gen ipod touch for about 3 months that I won in a raffle, and quickly gave away when the OG Moto Droid came out.

If it has already been said then I appologize, but I spotted an "aero" button there. That's interesting, Driver deploy-able spoiler?

I haven't seen any of these don't warm up your car stories on facebook. Admittedly I only check facebook 5-6 times a week so I actually just logged on and scrolled back a few days and still didn't see anything. However, this could have to do with the fact that I have a carefully curated list of friends and I do not

I haven't actually tried streaming amazon through chromecast. Sorry didn't mean to be misleading. I have my Xbox One hooked up to my dumb tv so I actually haven't had much use for chromecast outside of traveling.

What can your smarttv do that a chromecast, xbox one, or android TV box cannot?

The point is that you could have saved probably $100 or more by getting a TV with the same hardware specs as the one you have, but without the smarts. And then you could have gone out and gotten a $35 chromecast and been able to watch amazon netflix, etc right on your tv.

Uhm, right now? Right this second? No, you may not. Maybe in a year, or a few years, as tech develops more in the direction of dedicated smartwatch hardware that may become a reality.

Doesn't matter. I can watch it with the sound muted and I can still hear the theme song playing in my head. It is marked, indelibly, in my brain.

Cannot unsee!

I think the point that you're missing is that before the world of Early Access games had existed, we wouldn't have gotten kerbal at all. The team that created the game didn't have funding to finish it. This is their first game and it started out as a side project at a marketing engineering company. "Early Access"

Or you could just let them make the game how they want, and then not buy it if you don't like it. And if this is the way that all other PC gamers want it, then it will succeed.

I gave up on facebook games 5 years ago. Welcome to the club. Your next step is to cut back on facebook to once every few days, or even less. Then start getting updates from people who you actually care about, by communicating with them.

Valid point. I suggest a third option, DO BOTH. Increase inherent car safety AND make it more challenging to get, and keep, your license. I think the drivers test should be more difficult and people should have to retake it in order to renew their license.

"you can always buy GTA V somewhere else" seems like an argument to me. I was going to be all angry about target pulling the game, but you know what? They have that right. It is stupid, and the stupid people who came up with the petition should feel bad about making it. However, I'm not going to argue that Target has

I came here to be angered about people stomping over everyone elses decision making. However, you make a really good argument, and I can't for the life of me disagree with you. A star for you good blalien.

I remember that show. That show was awesome!


Gah! Why do only the expensive performance cars (cts-v wagon) come to the states in wagons?!