
I'm mad that people who are better than me have additional advantages. I don't mind being bad at a game when it is still fun to play. I'm fairly bad at halo, but I still enjoy playing it multiplayer immensely (prior to halo 4 that is, I did not enjoy that multiplayer experience) It feels like I'm on a level playing

I know exactly what hate is. I hate the multiplayer. I said that. I also said I never pay full retail for the games. This, one quite possibly could assume, means I buy them used. I've played the single player campaigns of all of the modern warfare games because the story is quite good, however, I dislike literally

Maybe you should try reading the article, and then commenting. It probably took you longer to make a reply than it would have to get to the point of the post where they tell you what kind of vehicle it was....

I think what is actually happening, is there is a large group of people who really hate COD. And they express that hate when a new one is announced. And then, there is a TOTALLY different group of people, roughly the same size, who absolutely love every call of duty every time, and they're the ones who play it. I'm

I never have a problem going through with the hate for call of duty. Sure I play the single player mode, but I'll never pay full price for one because its not even REMOTELY worth it and I'll never play online because its full of douche bags who have nothing better to do but play COD and that puts me at a disadvantage

I feel like you somehow answered, in your second paragraph, the question postulated in your first paragraph.

Yeah they do that in Reading too. You have to walk alllllll the way through the store.

Reading and Natick! You'll never want to go see a movie in a regular theater again.

The screen is bigger, the sound is louder, the seats are more comfortable, and the tickets are CHEAPER, its win/win/win/win!

If you're in MA you should go to a Jordan's Furniture IMAX, its way cheaper than paying to see the retrofitted "IMAX" at a regular movie theater. and the screen is like 4 stories tall. I think its $11.50 for a ticket to go see a movie in 3d.

Weight may be, but mass is not. The lighter something is the less force is required to get it moving.

Personally I see where you're going with this, but I think it's stupid on principle. I don't think there should be any laws governing what you can and cannot do to yourself. Also I think motorcycle helmet laws are STUPID, but I always wear my helmet, I think seatbelt laws are STUPID but I always wear my seatbelt.

And I'm saying, don't fucking own them. If you've got kids, these things should not be anywhere NEAR them. There is no risk to your kids if you don't have bucky balls, you can't lose track of something you don't own. You can't pawn off responsibility on to the manufacturer because YOU (as a generalization, not you

DON'T. OWN THEM. AROUND. KIDS. DUMBASS. I know you can't be around your kids 100% of the time, but that doesn't mean that it should be the manufacturers issue if your kid swallows incredibly dangerous magnets that you happen to own and that you happened to leave in a place where your child could get at them. Stop

Saves you more money, however if you're ever in an accident where your helmet is required to save your life, it will probably do a poor job. I wish you the best of luck, but in the absence of luck, you're going to have an unhappy time with that bargain bin helmet.

You probably shouldn't be riding at all with a crappy helmet. Did you get it off of ebay used? Did you know that after one fall your helmet is already used up. It's like an Airbag. Its not reusable once it has been utilized to protect you in a crash. the foam deforms and hardens under stress. It also deteriorates with

... Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? I routinely ride at 80-90 on my commute to work (70 miles of highway) and I have never once encountered a wind so fast it could snap my neck, and my head is always on a swivel.

You can't really compare it to forza 4. It's not the same kind of game. The 2 games have completely different goals. I loved both forza 4 and horizon equally and also played them pretty equally. Sometimes I would just drive around in Horizon without actually doing any challenges or races, and I could do that for

I'm pretty sure that the Kickstarter ToS is legally binding to the people who start the kickstarter, not the people that those people hire to fulfill their promises.

That's actually very cool. I hate touch screen interfaces while the car is moving. It's SO dangerous. When I got my Mazda 3 we needed the car JUST before the new ones came out. I was slightly disappointed.