
we be bannin’

“Plus we got you inside some of them, which is always fun.”

Are the stolen Teslas now called Edisons?

Dear Miura,

Imagine now that her name is Gerald and you have to spend the rest of your life thinking, “Yea she’s pretty much perfect... But why the fuck did her parents name her Gerald?”

C’mon man, you saw all those hits he took last year? He don’t remember shit.

Hey, Cam, remember how you feel when people ask if a black QB can learn the intricacies of an NFL offense?

Took you long enough to say it. You just want them to protest in a way that’s convenient for you and your beliefs. Just say so next time.

We need a little clarification on that battery pack. The post says, “225 kW battery pack.”

“Bro what’s that gunk on your tire?”

Yeah, but why do you have to be logical when you can just spout the same baseless hatred that is easily debunked?

Electrified is a pretty vague term. The same thing goes for world beating.

China is canceling plans to build new coal plants, and its coal use has already begun to decline. Trump’s assertion that Paris does not impose any commitments upon China until 2030 is likewise false; the country has pledged a massive buildup of zero-emission energy and is following through. India is doing the same

Now playing

Best thing to come out of these dumb commercials!

You poor, deluded bastard. I’M DOING THIS FOR YOU.

Working prototypes have been out there over 12 months buddy.

I’m still hung up on “electric drive unit engine”. I mean, I suppose it’s not necessarily “wrong”, but sooo many unnecessary words just to say “electric motor”. I’m gonna assume it was a marketing ploy to make the car sound more “tech”-y (that’s another rant).

Ford - American company that sells LOTS of cars in Europe. Owned Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo, and Aston Martin, saving them all from oblivion and investing in all to their continued benefit post-sale today.