Smurfette's dropkick

Does anybody else ever look at Larry Page and immediately look to his ears to see if they're pointed? I mean the man just screams "I'm a Romulan."

I despise the new timeline layout, but this is a decent change from that. I mean, it's still timeline, but it looks more Metro-esque. So, If I have to deal with the abomination that is timeline, I might as well get an upgraded one, right?

Not that I condone this AT ALL, but if he really wanted to make it look like a toy, he could have just painted the muzzle orange. Case closed. That's the first thing I noticed about it.

So... What you're saying is, people who are more likely to disregard their own health are more likely to disregard their own health...?


I pine for the days of the full-mission planning Rainbow Six games... *sigh*

Mother of God...

Alright, We've got the map. First thing's first, I'll have Ding Chavez lead the Blue team with Eddie Price leading Red. Gold team will be Dieter Weber and his spotter of choice, and They'll set up at the shack on the Northeast. Watch for the Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie commands, we'll go in hot.

I re-read this title about 10 times before I finally figured out what they were trying to say. Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't it be Cilantro-Hating? Well crap. Now that I write that, I am pretty sure that's only used when it's an adjective. :/ This is why I dislike the English Language at times.

Is that cover-picture a screenshot for the new C&C Generals game?!

I thought it read that also, and I said "Whoop-de-fuckin do, I've had those for YEARS."

You know, even from a libertarian standpoint, I feel like this is a wonderful idea. I don't think any conservative has problems paying a fair share of taxes. What this guy is doing is on a whole-different level. This guy is turning his back on a nation that gave him the freedom to create something as huge as Facebook.

Nice writing, Sam. I very much enjoyed reading this. I, too, have not seen a true brogrammer, but I know of a few people who are very much like Malcolm (myself happens to be included in that) I think it's entirely because Coding is not the basement-dwelling archetype it has so negatively been advertised as in the past.

Don't give AT&T a pass, either. They throttle the unlimited plans after you pass 2GB (which is NOT that difficult to do). Not to mention their utter disregard for their customers, and the assholes that fill their stores? Sorry Big Blue, Sorry Big Red... You guys don't know how to care for your customers anymore.

Exactly. What better is there to do except order pizza and have wild, unprotected sex?

Using this list, I'm more interested to know what days are the most common days of conception, using a mathematical equation and a +- amount of days. Just looking at it, It's easy to tell the most common MONTHS of conception (being October, November, December, and January) which makes a fair amount of sense.

No, I'm more straight-up insulting the Java language. Just because Google and RIM decided to use it, doesn't mean it was a good choice.

"can you explain to me how Michael Bloomberg would be better at his day to day job of leading the largest city in the USA if he woke up one morning as a crack Java coder?"

I read this, the sentence before it, and the sentence after it 5 times, trying to figure out what the fuck it meant.

With no optical drive, do you think they might cut out our middle-man and allow us to have 1 SSD and 1 HDD?