Smurfette's dropkick

Is this some new insta-blog thing? Where you type and it updates?

As a brand new Lumia 900 owner, I have to say... We need more apps. That being said, almost all of the apps I currently have work miles better than those on the other platforms. I know C# and would love to develop little apps for WP7, but I dislike the kind of hop I have to make to be an official Windows Dev.

MBP my ass. No discreet graphics card? This might be them reviving the plain ole MacBooks with a decent spec boost. No way in hell they put an HD 4000 in a Pro.

BN Army, Represent!

Mos Eisley SpacePitch... You'll never find a more wretched hive of Scum and Divers...

I want that. Hanging in my room. Yesterday.

The foam on the superman glass looks more like cream... And it's really really bugging me right now... :/

No Snu-Snu, No milk?

That makes me wonder how many of these tags are just people who are so incredibly confused that those songs are popular that they just want to find out who is responsible for such an abomination.

What if Apple could do with TVs what they did with Music?

I'm happy to say I haven't heard a single one of these songs. That's not HIPSTER pride, that's music pride.

But is this something we necessarily need/want right now at this "broken" stage?

That almost sounds worth upgrading, except I can't stand to lose even MORE battery power on this thing.

I have gingerbread, and now my phone is derptastic. Seriously, It's become completely useless to me. When I send a text, the thing derps so hardcore, it feels like it's going to have a heart-attack. Not to mention my power/hold button refusing to work, random crashes 3+ times a day, and battery dying after 4 hours on

Please please please please tell me... How did you make your Captivate be a functional phone and not just a perfectly-shaped skipping-stone brick? Also, How did you get ICS?

I'm not sure anybody actually believes that this is the WORST GAME EVER due to it's actual Gameplay. Yes, it's bad, but so were 90% of all 2600 games. However, I think this is the worst game ever because not only was it bad, but it was industry-crashing bad. It was a game borne of a poor concept and way too much

Ok. I can't be the ONLY one who thinks these things are hideous, but could easily be fixed if they made that stupid bar extend all the way across the glasses. Sure, it still wouldn't look "cool," but it sure as hell would be an improvement over THIS abomination! Also, can't we integrate it into some actual glasses or

Telling somebody NOT to be a new iPhone or Windows phone is really difficult for some people. I for one am sitting on a Samsung Galaxy S (Captivate) that is a steaming pile of shit. I NEED a new phone PRONTO. If my plan wasn't up for another 6 months, I'd say screw it and buy an iPhone or WinPho7.

How long until Apple has a digital apple on the back that can flip itself based on being open/closed?