Smurfette's dropkick

Tiger Woods.

I can understand this, but I think part of it has to do with how we react when we listen to different music. For instance, I used to shave while listening to music, but I tend to always have my entire library on Shuffle. The first time The Crimson by Atreyu popped up, I cut myself shaving. I'd never cut myself shaving

I clicked on this post specifically looking for this comic. Thank you.


I would say it's a Pavlov's Dog reflex. It's kind of like a New-House smell. I've lived in several houses that were newly-built (house burned down when I was young) and I always remember loving that smell. Of course, I can get most of that smell reproduced when working with wood, but still, I think it was the

I want to see more WP7 phones on Sprint... I want to have my LTE cake, and eat it too.

I am part of the problem...

Too bad it's AT&T only... Never again, AT&T... Never again...


redacted. beaten to the punch by LittleMacAttack

Put this shit on kickstarter! I'd Pay for tha... Oh.. My... God... It's a conspiracy to get an assload of money from us without any (non-moral) obligation!

A) Are you content with that system?

From what I've heard, it's both. They wanted to keep their supply way up this time around, but also, we've had 2 previous generations of the "Wow Tablet." The people upgrading are the die-hards, the iPad 1 owners who want an update, and the people who have finally decided to step on. Very few people with the 2 are

I wish I could tell you why, but I (poorly) read this title as "Pack a beer, tastier lunch for one, by adding tons of variety in smaller portions"

I yawned no less than 10 times while reading this.

Having used Drive Genius as a trial, this might not be a bad pack to pick up to have it. It's quite the little drive tool, with many different options and great monitoring and visualization tools.

I hope (but know this probably isn't the case) that whoever has to sign off on that big ole piece of paper that incredibly summed up says "One Aircraft Carrier: 3 Billion Dollars" thinks about it long and hard, and has one hell of a large portfolio on how that purchase will be worth all that taxpayer's money. I'm

"(It should be noted, Biddle is right. You'll probably look like an idiot taking photos. Disagree? Then why doesn't Apple show anyone actually using the camera in their promotional teaser? Then again, it won't be the first time any of us looked dumb taking a photo.)"

This isn't surprising. This is big business. We aren't talking about a small business owner being snubbed by another small business owner, and therefor "boycotting" the other business. We're talking about orders in the hundreds of thousands. Samsung has way more to gain from selling to Apple than they do by refusing

I'm one of those guys who doesn't doesn't think Global Climate Change is fake, but I do believe everything is taken to an extreme. That being said, instead of modifying our surroundings, these scientists are trying to bio-engineer humans? That's even lazy by MY standards, not to mention all sorts of ethical and moral