Smurfette's dropkick

You forgot my favorite feature... It's going to be 100% 64-bit, no 32-bit option.

Aha! Thank's for doing the research that I should have done myself. Tis a lazy Monday, I guess.

I could be wrong, but isn't it supposed to be DARPA?

This. I don't believe a video like this could have been nearly as successful if it wasn't guilting people into believing watching it would actually help people (which in light of things, might be debatable)

I've read some drivel on Giz before, but this has got to be the one that pisses me off the most. Where do you get off saying this is as bad as HUNTING the homeless? That they are better off continuing to sit on their ass pan-handling instead of having a job like this?!

Considering I just got (deservedly) unstarred, and I agree with this, I'm terribly disappointed to see you being unstarred for stating a wonderful truth. Being offended about a company giving people a job is what I find offensive. Hell, I wish MORE companies would do things like this.

Does somebody have an "Awkward Promotional Tie-In Bingo" Card pre-made? Because I would play that.

Indeed, sir. I am. I realize we have a different definition of a pint. Frankly, I'd prefer an imperial pint, but this is what we live with, I'm just using terminology that most folks reading the non-UK version of Gizmodo (which I also frequent) will understand.

I'm pretty sure the lines I saw in Winnipeg were less than 1 inch.

How much head largely depends on the beer and the glass it's served in, but I believe all beers should have at least a little head. That being said, the Bud Lights and Coors Lights of the world can't be saved by a little foam.

If you need to lube your fire-arm, you can't do better than RemOil. I've been using that stuff to clean shotguns, handguns, and rifles since I was old enough to lift a gun. It lubes, protects against rust, and leaves a terrible smell that you have to have on your gun to complete your 2nd Amendment rights.

I'm no physics genius, but I simply cannot wrap my head around the concept of this thing lifting off the ground. I just can't see it.

Consisting entirely of white males? That doesn't seem like a sample size at all. I call shenanigans on this. This sounds more like utter coincidence. Misleading headline is misleading.

Why does this have to be about Copyright Law, and not just about Rush wanting Rush to stop using their music? Maybe it's just the inherent good in me (lol) but I feel like if a band personally requests that you stop using their music, you should just stop.

I have a few things to say here; One, Yes, the iPad is an "oversized iPod..." Metaphorically speaking. It made people think they needed it. Tablet's are a thing now. They were originally designed for pure consumption. But now that's not even true. I work in a company that has salesmen who don't want to lug their

DAMMIT! I even looked for this and I didn't see it! Same friggen picture, too!

Seriously... what a smart and cheeky bastard...

I think both you and wanderingrabbi missed something. I don't want TVs to get better resolution, I want my monitors to. I think 1080p is pretty damn decent, considering. But I like to have applications split so that 2 fit on a screen, which I can technically do now, but I would like a cleaner, less pixely display to

Awesome! Good to know, I'll buy it tonight!

How well does it perform on a second-gen iPad? I really really want something like this since I offload my DSLR pics onto my iPad when I swap SD cards, and I like to do some quick adjustments to show off how the pics look to my human subjects. I'm just worried that this is more designed for the processing power of the