Smurfette's dropkick

If we're at the point where I have to have AV program and run scans on my phone periodically, I think we're doing it wrong.

As a former MS fanboi, I have to say, Quick Look has got be one of my absolutely favorite treasures I found after switching to Mac. It's one of those things that Apple does that makes the experience "just work." And I find myself using my Windows Desktop, hitting space and being incredibly disappointed...

This is why I choose real-sugar soda over Off-The-Shelf. I think it tastes miles better. HFCS has a sickly-sweet syrupy flavor that I just don't get with the crisply sweet taste of Real Sugar. Maybe it's just me.

Maybe it's just me, but does anybody else think that this could really get the ball rolling on Vector-graphics images as a new standard? I mean, we're getting to the point where pixels are almost meaningless, so why not take advantage of that? We have more processing power, more pixels, wouldn't this be a nice new

It's not the size that matters! It's how long the battery lasts!

I would shed great big tears of joy if I could have .NET in iOS. I know, it's certainly not perfect, but it's familiar, and I LIKE it.

I've been saying this for awhile, I think Apple and Microsoft will be cozying up more than they ever have before. In this kind of world, Apple still needs software that they can't do in-house, and I feel Apple sees Google's Android as a much bigger threat than anything out of Redmond.

I really like that they are making TV and Video audio optimized. It was so annoyingly quiet before.

It all makes sense. Look on the back of your iPad 2. Does it say iPad 2? No. It says iPad. This is just a way for Apple to consolidate their naming schemes for everything.

Well that didn't take long.

Sounds like .xxx is finally going to take off!

It will be done over teleconference, and it will have an evil-grinned Ballmer overlooking the entire crowd as Tim Cook smiles sheepishly, trying not to betray the fact that he's scared shitless trying to live up to Jobs' legacy.



This. It makes me incredibly sad when there's an argument from lack of communication, because I ALWAYS want to know what's wrong, what's going on, etc. Honestly? I think the only reason these kind of fights are caused is due to HONESTY issues. And that makes me sad.

No offense to those Dark Souls lovers out there, but I'm not that surprised that somebody who doesn't like video games to begin with would actually ENJOY Dark Souls.

I think it's great that the UK can at least be accepting of new screen media. Sadly, Hollywood is so overzealous, they don't even consider MoCap and Puppetry to be artistic, let alone something like a video game.

Awesome. I've been looking for a new girl to haunt my dreams... *sigh*

Good. I'm tired of the taboo surrounding Nuclear Energy. Hope this can be successful and safe.

Glad to see the tool tip has been put in finally. I see these posts at work, and xkcd is blocked here. I don't worry about stealing page-clicks from them, because I visit xkcd religiously.