Smurfette's dropkick

That looks like a horrifying sex toy gone wrong in so many ways trying to be so many things... :|

Yes, there was a daring young man who stood up to the Kopists, and formed the Linus church of Reformed Kopists, that man was Martin Linus.

Don't forget to account for the midi-chlorians that were lost when he had flesh chopped off!

Looks more like crumbles of a harder cheese like Asiago, or Parmesian.

iVibe actually is kinda catchy. Also, it's probably the only non-Apple iDevice that I would buy.

That was my app as well.

As a Republican-voting Libertarian (I focus fiscal), It makes me incredibly sad that Huntsman is so not going anywhere, and Ron Paul is so screwed by all the racism accusations. For my pride, I really hope Paul isn't actually a racist, but I'm not holding my breath.

Where was this BEFORE New Years?

Quick research showed 320M, which, I thought had some decent power considering. Maybe I am just still super-biased against Intel's integrated graphics, as I've never dealt with one that has ever had that much power.

I thought it had an NVidia discreet card?

I for one would rather have the Core 2 Duo than the i7 if it means I don't have to settle with integrated graphics.

While, yes, I agree anybody can learn the syntax and can code simple scripts, I don't believe anybody can actually program. The logic necessary for anything beyond basic scripting is just not teachable to some people. I'm not saying those people are dumb, but I have seen many people fail in very basic CSCI classes

"Cheaper, unlimited data, and their customer service is much better"

If I could, I totally would, but we issue out user-specific codes apparently...

I can has on Sprint? Seriously, I am on AT&T now, and I'm switching as soon as possible. And I get a sweet sweet discount through work with Sprint.

I do not share passwords, but on my computer, almost all worthwhile accounts, I never log out of (banking being an exception, of course). If my (hypothetical/past) gf wants to see my email, she can. If she wants to see my facebook, she can. If she wants to go on Netflix, she can. She has these options on my iPad as

Firstly, I'd like to say that I think MANY of the characters in Skyrim are memorable. Probably not through their over-used faces or voices, but through your encounters with them. And maybe the reason we have issues remembering their names is because we, as IRL people, don't need to *SAY* their names. That's how I end

I married that sweet lass. She's so nice to listen to at home. Sometimes, I just wander around my in-game house so that I can hear her compliment me when I'm feeling down irl... *sobs*

Single, saving money, and your mother bought you whiskey glasses. This sounds like as much of a win as possible (coming from another single man, anyways.)

I absolutely adore my iPad 2, but I have to vote for the KF here. No contest. It's going to help bring tablets to the masses. As for the GN vs MBA? Well, as far as I'm concerned, neither of these should be here, but the GN isn't a gadget, it's a new face for ICS, which is just another upgrade. As far as the 2011 Air?