Smurfette's dropkick

Yes, but does this new handle work with all of the varieties of razor blades that only work with Gillette's handle? You aren't just selling the handle, you're selling the handle and the future of the razer blades one is buying.

Those of you who are annoyed with the Razors-and-Razor Blades analogy are missing a huge point. No, the iPad is not being sold At-Cost or at a loss, but somehow (probably due to Apple's foresight in the SSD and other industries) they've managed to keep their prices down. So even though they are selling the iPad at a

Glad to see She and Him up on that List. I love Zooey Deschanel... *melts*

It's Diablo. He's watching for you, Deckard...

Exactly! Most of these are just upgrades. Hell, I LOVE my iPad 2, and I thought the Air was amazing, but they certainly are NOT the most important gadgets of the year. Last year, I'd easily say the iPad was, because it WAS groundbreaking and important, but this year? No. I'll give a slight nod to the Lumia 800 for

This is very interesting, and it's kind of fun to put this out this way, but I feel like most of these will come down to fanboyism. I'm not saying that is necessarily wrong, but still. I don't know how much of these can be said are "important." I feel the most important "gadget" has to be the Volt. It's the most

I agree with your first point. In fact, I would pirate The King's Speech just to see what the hype was about, and if I liked it, I would buy it.

A, I happened to like Thor.

Yeah, but I don't like the overly-stylized minifigs and everything else that has come as a result of the Clone Wars-era Star Wars Lego... I miss the classics...

Maybe it's just the PC Gamer inside of me, but does anybody else think spending over $1,000 on a screen that maxes out at 1920x1080 a little OUTRAGEOUS?

I went back trying to find my original X-Wing from when I was a kid. I couldn't find it for less than $90.00. It made me sad, as I wanted to get it for my nephew, who I refuse to let have the Clone Wars crap.

I love C418. When I found out he wrote the music, I bought every album I could from his bandcamp page. C418 in FLAC... <3

What's with the Mel Brooks hate?

I removed my search bar from opera and use the wonderful shortcuts. So if I want to search bing (For pictures and shopping) I type "b philosoraptor", if I want wikipedia, I type "w tyrannosaurus rex," and if I want to search demonoid, I type "d Sex and the City"

I played enough of WoW to hate it, but too little to consider having totally played it. I've seen friends play it, I've seen friends get stuck having to schedule their raids like a friggen job, and I've seen enough friends give up and say "screw this" for me to not want to pay a monthly fee when all I want is to have

The only shirt I need is one with a bush and the words in bold and caps: "DEMACIA!"