
It means it is not currently consuming anything, that it is sitting in relatively empty space.

A promise that will take years to follow through on?

Why did they program that android to think it ages?

If I was going to make an IED [improvised explosive device], ammonia nitrate wouldn’t be my choice of explosive.”

I will give Elon credit where due, otherwise I invalidate my criticisms of him. His rockets are the best rockets that have ever been built, and the tesla brought EVs into the mainstream against an uphill battle.

“I have a right to be loudly obnoxious and goddammit I’m going to exercise it!”

“Mr/Mrs Oppressor, do you think you could be convinced, if I tried hard enough, to be attracted to the same sex, or to identify as a different gender?”

Thing is, without humans in the loop, the AI would not have written anything, nor would anything be published. The creation, and separately, the publication, of the article were both human-led acts. Although if course it is true that the paper was misled as to its source, this can happen without AIs being involved as

Releasing a flying object from another flying object is not as trivial as it seems. Its one of those chaotic, non-linear problems that is easiest to test by doing it rather than simulating it. Complex airflow interactions and whatnot.

Does it matter that it was produced by an ai? It was still published with full knowledge of the, totally subjective, content. Anyone could have written it, with or without an ai.

Come on. Like he wouldn’t still be going “Mmmph, MMMPH, mmmmMMMPPH!”

As quoted, he is 100% correct.

Actually it’s not. Gun deaths have surpassed car related deaths.

So you must have information that they brought their guns with them, otherwise that point is not worth mentioning.

“The ship is fully blowing up RIGHT NOW! We’ve only got time for one full mission and a single side quest before she bloooooows!”

She is now formally “The Queen”.

I getcha.

A black hole is so unlike a marble or a disc of paper as to render any comparison meaningless 

Is a hole in the ground not full of air? And as such, can be said to “have mass”? ;)