
There a fair bit wrong with your statement.

<slaps forehead>

Wait until this guy hears about email scams.

Ice lollies.

Im half expecting his strategy to play out as “whack a huge fee on for a couple months to generate some pocket money for a pet-project, then when custom has fallen away, delete the service altogether and re-launch it under another guise for a reasonable cost. Bask in praise of sychophants.

From free to 50k/month, seems a little steep for access to an automated service, no?

Well we could follow this down a bit of a depressing rabbit hole couldn't we.

PSA: the terms hypothetical/hypothesised and theoretical/theorised are not interchangeable and have profoundly different meanings in the field of science.

I mean, none of that is particularly out of the ordinary, or even interesting.

I bet you can’t even see the logical disconnect in your own statement.

I hate these. There’s always too much to unpack to make a pithy satirical one-liner...well, except for that one I guess.

Oh my god...

*cough* Andromeda strain *cough*

Out work you?

Shocking lack of any mention of *latching and dragging the car away with the owner still inside the car and operating controls such as the brakes* being a breach of any law or repo rule.

Jesus Herbert Christ can the man take a break from weighing-in for FIVE SECONDS.

I mean, I *also* have not invested anything in *any* crypto scam.

Without total perspective, they cant possibly make a dent in the pan-galactic voting pool, they may as well throw in the towel since republicans accepting illegal aliens is infinitely improbable.

Makes perfect sense. If you’re going to save millions of lives by preventing abortion-murder, they’ve gotta start working to fluff up the economy right? Otherwise what was the point?

Oh come ON...