
Musk: “I agree with the experts who think we should really slow down on this type of thing until we understand it better.”

Even though this is not a strong-general AI skynet, this does seem like quite a sci-fi mistake...one step away from AI missile targeting and one more from AI threat response and one more to, well, judgement day.

IMO it’s a sledgehammer of a solution looking for a problem - actually looking at the keys is a slow way of using a keyboard.

Why? They are clearly 2d images...

Make no mistake, I did *not* say he was a genius, or even what one might call “clever”. But he did not accidentally stumble into being worshipped by legions, it was, is, deliberate.

Again, I think it’s a mistake that plays directly into trump’s favour to assume that he is stupid and doesn’t consider anything he says.

Dang, I confess i didn’t read all the way down, might be my bad :)

This *has* been done before, but it was very expensive, something which I doubt has changed.

So...abortions are wrong because they are actively theft from the US economy?

So my automatic assumption then is that she was floating mouth upwards with access to air, not that she survived for hours completely underwater.

Am I being stupid or missing something or am I getting this right:

Well my fist thought is - it can't have been fully submerged otherwise how did the call come in? Someone must have seen it?

You are a parody of yourself

“Even some latin Americans...”

Hokay buddy.

“Not very good at reading” yet doesn’t know what “universally” means nor how it counters your assertion.

Yah, your presidents are universally loved...lol!

What gun laws? Back up your claim that laws that dont yet exist won’t do shit if they did.

There's a joke about horsepower in here somewhere...

FunFact: the British government makes a profit from the existence of the Royal family, including these expenditures.