
Barely worth even this comment...

How on God’s green earth is this “a victory for pregnant women”?

Dont worry, soon he’ll class masterbation as genocide, then he’ll be forced to class sex itself as genocide, then ban reproduction at all, then the civilisation will fall. Which is all about as reasonable as the above.

Total gun ban, there I done said it.

Im not a fan of Musk, at all, but my first thought is that with that many satellites, a certain number of failures are expected. And with them launched in batches, a whole batch experiencing an issue is also not unexpected, and so far only one deorbit. Its far from the first satellite to fail to reach its intended


The pro-trump protesters really embarrassed themselves, especially that guy in#2.

If I’m getting it right, it’s something along the lines of, even though only one slit is present at the time a photon passes through, the state is changing fast enough that an interference pattern still appears. So the photon is interfering with another version of itself that passed through the other slit even though

Is it wrong that quantum mechanics, in general, makes perfect sense to me?”

At first I was like “For advanced prosthesis, smart!”

My fave quantum physics mind-bake (that has been practically demonstrated to boot):

That pic...I’ve made up a game:

No guyism required, I think that is quite exact, in a nutshell.

I think that's what we tried, but nobody could agree on anything.

Am I crazy or is that fish *this* close to having hands?

The same way we are not crushed by the atmosphere, which is more than capable of collapsing a 50gal oil drum into a pancake.


We are running back towards the analog age.

Just joshin', they are entirely beyond me :)

Dont be absurd, nobody knows how blockchains work...