
And what if someone just uses an ai trained to remove watermarks? it will be an arms race with an exponential growth curve.

My thought process as I opened and read this article:

FunFact: Lighting conductors dont necessarily work because they are conductive, they work because they are higher than the rest of the building and offer a pointed target.

I, for one, want to know what part AI had in this "accident".

I feel like trump has already won, maybe even if found guilty. I doubt he would see the inside of a jail cell in that case, and I can’t see him not gaining some benefit from this by spinning it in one way or another.

I don’t know much about e3, I’m just a gamer of some decades, I know of it and it’s past significance but was happy to let it do its thing and see what games were released.

The backblast of my point passing over your head at Mach 1.5 just cleared my stuffed up nose, I can only thank you, been bothering me for ages.

“...inserting a finger into a cadaver to find out where the clitoral body is in relation to the vagina is not violation.”

You’d think whoever got off their ar$e to propose the dang thing would have scraped together a buck or two lol xD

“... although information gaps exist. There are several plausible pathways involving forms of electromagnetic energy, each with its own requirements, limitations, and unknowns.”

Fair enough.

Well, indeed therein lies the rub.

This has gone beyond right-wing politics. Any healthy political system has representation of differing views, and some are inevitably more “right wing’ or “left wing”.

And Asimovs entire bibliography? Yes. Well yes and no. You'd have to ask Susan Calvin.

IMO, Neither choice impacts humanity as a whole, so it would choose the path of least harm, in compliance with rule1.

I think ultron might have overstepped a schoche

ChatGPT is an unconscious tool, like say, a knife. If I give a knife to a child or a criminal, I bear some responsibility if they use it to create harm, and an adult criminal would bear most of the responsibility. The knife itself cannot be held responsible.

Big flip-flop from Elon...this isn’t his style at all.

There is also his “zero’th” law, which is even more applicable:

O no is nobody investigating? O no ;(