
14mins response is *fast*.

Member of my family has worked on some advanced prosthesis research related to soft-technologies, 3d printing, brain output mapping etc. As well as moving towards printing tissue-based replacement parts such as noses and ears (and from there, complete organs is the goal, but thats far away yet) in a real way. So it’s

Would having your home hit more than once be regarded as extreme bad luck?

Thanks. Figured it was inevitable that economics were a factor - I mean, it always is, of course, but this is a different kind of concern I think.

Thank you.

Thise who refuse to learn from history etc.

I am *acutely* aware that I do not fully understand nor appreciate the full reality, and I am posting to sincerely learn:

If this was anywhere - *anywhere* - near ready for animal, let alone *human* trials, Elon would - should - be first on the slab. But instead we have Elon continuing to insist that he can move science forwards through sheer force of personality. He is trying to get into the history books even if that means killing

Funny, that’s not what people are saying about Justin Roiland, a situation with striking parallels.

If you need their capabilities and use them, then they’re a *great* choice.

I want that to be true, but after the last decade, the system has had its chance against trump and whilst I wish he was a brain dead moron, he’s just too good at his particular brand of deception and manipulation.


This case can only play in his favour, however it goes. And let's face it, he's never going to prison for anything, or else he'd already be there.

Whats wrong with it?

I ahree with everything said so far in all of the comments, including yours, except for the assertion that there is a need to “prove innocence” - it’s basing a stance on the opposite of how the justice system works and opens it to valid criticism.

....and the creator, whatsisname, literally said creating a religion would be a good way to make money, whilst writing science fiction which he later based a religion on.

He blatantly made up that he was “about to be arrested you guys!!” in a clear attempt to make himself appear, however temporarily, as a martyr, for his own purposes. He saw an opportunity to use possible charges against him to his own benefit, a “perp walk” would be doing this again and playing directly into his hands,

Its not crazy at all, normal even, once you know they make the reactors that power our submarines. These need to be extremely compact and self-contained with low-or-no refuelling requirements per-reactor-lifetime, limiting handling of fissile materials. Perfect for space use.

Futher, it makes me suck to my stomach that this likely means that he isn't *entirely* stupid, just a total £^@%#^ing #&#%#^# in his @&^##^#^#whilst^#^#%#&£%**@&all over&&#%#^£*£*@^in the world.

How do you think he got rich? By asking people for free money.