
14mins response is *fast*.

Thise who refuse to learn from history etc.

Funny, that’s not what people are saying about Justin Roiland, a situation with striking parallels.

If you need their capabilities and use them, then they’re a *great* choice.

Whats wrong with it?

....and the creator, whatsisname, literally said creating a religion would be a good way to make money, whilst writing science fiction which he later based a religion on.

He blatantly made up that he was “about to be arrested you guys!!” in a clear attempt to make himself appear, however temporarily, as a martyr, for his own purposes. He saw an opportunity to use possible charges against him to his own benefit, a “perp walk” would be doing this again and playing directly into his hands,

Its not crazy at all, normal even, once you know they make the reactors that power our submarines. These need to be extremely compact and self-contained with low-or-no refuelling requirements per-reactor-lifetime, limiting handling of fissile materials. Perfect for space use.

Tbh, the biggest problem I have with the trope is that in most cases the child wouldn’t survive, or would be responsible for the death of the entire team/duo - in many cases rather rapidly.

Im seeing a lot of correlation with very little causation.

1. Will Smith was still wrong to strike Chris rock.

I like how the entirety of the link between this vtuber “retiring” and any kind of statement involving trans issues either way, or even involvement of Hogwarts Legacy, have apparently been entirely fabricated by the general public...

My partner left Funko a couple years ago, has never looked back, and is now laughing like the Greek God of drinking.

Lets all re-read Peter Pan before we go off on all Harry Potter media...

Sorry Mr. Rock-hard, you seem to be a preteen with verbal diarrhea.

Generally agree, especially with 1st paragraph. But can’t condone physical response to *any* verbal assault, except where credible threats have been made.

Just had to check something real quick:

Ha! Well said.

This just in: that’s a myth, if you raise them with even the smallest amount of attention.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic?