Whilst i would sympathise, obviously, escalating to physical violence due to verbal insult, is a huge, dangerous leap, and NOT legal.
Whilst i would sympathise, obviously, escalating to physical violence due to verbal insult, is a huge, dangerous leap, and NOT legal.
<gear shift sound>
Oh look, the worst idea in the world.
You are both correct.
Ummmm....no, are you really serious?
Its almost as if racism and other undesirable traits are not intrinsically linked to one’s core political persuasion...almost as if people can be sorted into more than two categories...but thats just crazy, right?
What really grinds my gears is this:
To answer the question as it stands - plenty.
I think it’s a very weird thing, that any kind of trial gets this kind of publicity. Haven’t we learned our lesson about “the court of public opinion”?
Punctuator57 thinks he isn’t satirising himself lol!
What a farce.
So what I’m hearing is, he has a bunch of handjobs he needs to give out and he really wants to give them to maga chuds. All power to him, I think everybody deserves to be happy.
That would make sense if KK *actually looked* like her photos and wasn’t actually quite thick herself, no comment on her subjective beauty either way necessary.
Yeah but if I’m over here eating an apple, you’d be a bit of a hole to come over and tell me how “not normal” I am for doing so.
You do though, secretly.
You know that skinny or average people can be horribly unhealthy right?
Wow, overweight yes, "morbidly obese"? Do you live under a rock with a bunch of anorexics?
Wrong. Many people are fully entitled to find her unconditionally beautiful.
Is it too much to ask that people keep their subjective opinions of beauty to themselves and not subject other people to their subjective judgement?
This is such fundamental assholery that an in-depth analysis of the properties of beauty and its incredibly subjective nature is unnecessary.