
You do though, secretly.

You know that skinny or average people can be horribly unhealthy right?

Wow, overweight yes, "morbidly obese"? Do you live under a rock with a bunch of anorexics?

Wrong. Many people are fully entitled to find her unconditionally beautiful.

Is it too much to ask that people keep their subjective opinions of beauty to themselves and not subject other people to their subjective judgement?

This is such fundamental assholery that an in-depth analysis of the properties of beauty and its incredibly subjective nature is unnecessary.

Id settle for being able to choose from a reasonable selection of colours without have to pay an extra 5-10% for anything other than black, white or grey.

What “slippery slope”? What do people think will happen next? Government controlled ignition? Seatbelts that lock permanently? Wtf?

Oh look, another problem from 1950 that every other country has solved.

I mean, if he has ever done anything, he has proved that there *is* actually such a thing as bad press.

I like his rockets, I know he didnt *personally* design and build them, but they are his and they rock. Pushing the electric car is a smart move too, whatever Tesla’s deficiencies are.

Elon is a tone-deaf, narcissistic smart person, but I wonder, how many times have deals resembled this farce but we never heard about it because the people involved weren’t so vocal about it.

I think perhaps

Perfect! Ive just been looking for something for my jumpsuited armed guards to scoot around the lower levels of my complex in.

The username thing.


Yeah but he’s suUUuuuuUuper clever....

Bit rich when Elon can't even prove he isn't a bot.

Woops, you’ve gone and used “the left” to generalise millions of people into one set of behaviours.

Im strongly pro-choice, but maybe they could have found a better spokesperson than Mrs “Would have had 5 kids by now”....the idea that abortion is often used as mere contraception is one of the dirtiest ideas in the pro-life domain, we dont need to reinforce it for them. Its her right, but why choose her for the