
It actually takes a surprisingly small amount of fuel to create a startling fireball. This could be as little as a couple of litres of fuel going up.

Presumably it will also cost RTX$4000

When the crops fail, I’ll remember to tell my grandkids that the return on saving the world wasn’t as good as the alternative.

Nothing good will come of this.

Maybe, but my partner is in consumer goods and I know a few other people in adjacent industries and they (the companies they work for) are going nuts for the NFT trend.

At this point NFTs are resembling some kind of mass-delusion or self-hypnosis is or something. Someone said “These things have value and you want them” and somehow a ton of people just believed them...

The whole thing looks like 1997 got a really dirty stomach flu and vomited all over it, inside and out.

You never heard the phrase:


He’s like the world’s stupidest radio station.

Objectively bad comment.

“Finagles Law” is the corrolary of Murphy’s Law which states that “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong....at the worst possible time.”

Oh dude....

Jebus Hiroshima Chirst, why isnt this kind of level-headed point of view more common...

That argument...”what if they grow up to cure cancer!”...REALLY sets my teeth on edge...

I dont know, clothing, sleep, food, daily schedule are all commonly prescribed by various mainstream religions.

Absolutely that was a major factor.

Except that the lawyer is probably screaming at him to plead guilty, but if the client wants to plead not-guilty, the lawyer is beholden to their clients will and come up with a defence.


Maybe Twitter is a good-faith company, maybe it is a biased propaganda machine.