Plates still full of untouched food but every single wine bottle has been drained?
Plates still full of untouched food but every single wine bottle has been drained?
Just wanted to point out, for whom it may entertain, that that mook is not holding the bow by its handle, and it is upside down.
Cmon man, there no need to ruin your good points with race/body/gender shaming.
Ok I choose here and now to express this sentiment
To be honest....three major religions say its bullshit.
From the website, it doesn’t look like a public school to me.
You’re right, it isn't as bad as yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre.
The only way you’ll be wrong is if trump (impeached) is stopped., you’ve collected some figures there...real nice.
Help me out - are you saying Erika or David was “too woke”?
Yah you can get lites by the bushel
What I don’t get is how trump is spending over 2 trillion, and this is *all* you guys are getting.
Would puchase but apparently there is a huge Nintendo switch shortage, and those that are for sale have shot up to over £500gbp (Abt $600).
The caveat to this is that regular flu, and many other viruses, can also have this effect.
Google “addiction”
Holy heck this article was a relief!
Ok, yes good point. But compared to the number of people that vote solely on the issue, the violent ones are in an extreme minority.
Oh holy $hit! Are you *joking*?!
There aren’t any real prolife protesters.