
They are not exactly “pro-life”, never have been.

Keep the same old America? Save the same old America?

Ilpntellbher something

Hmmph, if that really is so, try harder.

Ive never heard anything close to that argument. Don't believe it for a second.

It makes all the difference in the world, that white people have never been systematically persecuted and killed, based on being “white trash”. There’s no comparison.

Yeah, and nobody can tell what side you want to be on.


Screw hygiene as long as it feels clean amirite!

What do you dry your butt with?

1. I’m a little puzzled why TheRoot has become the source of all my bathroom related news.

Sounds like an empty marketting effort to me.

Everyone, including this white person, can see what you’re doing.

Is there anything that *doesn’t* cause a surge in gun sales?

If I was ultra dictator:

Wow, look out Keanu, looks like you have some competition lol!

DUDE!! You ruined my joke goddamnit!!

I mean, Jesus, but....trust trump to choose a company with a name created using a generator that jams a vaguely “science” word into a vaguely “Americanish” sounding word.

Its very jarring.

Oh so you’re the one!