
I used to be into cars, and now own a truck. The truck is a great vehicle, especially for what I do with it. Our family uses it all the time as a truck, and I will always have one in the family. This whole article has a distinct stench of old men yelling at clouds.

And every comment like this reminds me of some insecure person who is constantly thinking about other's genitals and how it correlates with their automotive preferences. We get it, you don't like trucks, but WHY do you roll that into imagining the size of a person's genitals? That's weird and disturbing behavior. 

“shrink in stores doesn’t affect pricing, there is literally an entire section of their budget devoted to it”

You two ninnies are like a pair of failbags who never accomplished anything noteworthy in your lives, and all that remains for you now is shitting as much as possible on anyone who tries to reach for lofty goals. You keep repeating the same tired bullcrap over and over, as if it means anything of any significance.

Because it’s beautiful.

The largest NASA location, the Marshall Space Flight Center, has been there in Huntsville for decades.

For certain kinds of white collar jobs, life revolves around Slack, the messaging app that’s managed to completely entwine itself into the culture of American knowledge work.

Shut the fuck up. She’s a pregnant woman who was just trying to get home, and those dudes tried to punk her. She was just standing up for herself. 

I guess my point is that it’s easy to spot on TV, and when images are frozen. I don’t think it’s necessarily as easy in real life. And lots of people have tattoos, I honestly don’t look at most of them in any way that’s more than a passing glance. I probably wouldn’t have seen the ‘SS’ symbols if I had a short

I wouldn’t make the jump to assume that the show’s hosts share or endorse this guy’s beliefs, but I do find it odd that in the time they spent with him, they’d not notice the tattoos and say something to the producers. Further, it strains credulity that nobody on the crew noticed literal Nazi SS tattoos during

In N Out does the same thing, Google is your friend. Like so many, you hate Chic fil A because someone on Twitter, Reddit, or a biased News agency told you to. That would be the definition of a shill.

a 2014 Tesla Model S crashed into the back of a firetruck

Just don’t take things from your workplace - it’s stealing. And, no, we don’t “all do it”.

Seems like a weird article to decide to bring race into the conversation. Have you checked the laws in your state? In Utah, they can be legally plated as an OHV for on-road use. 

or park it in a snowstorm so the snow can drift in by itself.”


You continue to think Trump capitulated to Putin, but it’s the other way a around.”

Are police officers no longer allowed to associate with political parties that Erin “I am literally shaking with rage” Marquis doesn’t like?

Or, you know, press the defrost button in the app?????

I did that same thing once.