The article is conflating bandwidth with transmission time (which is essentially lag), and these are not the same thing at all.
The article is conflating bandwidth with transmission time (which is essentially lag), and these are not the same thing at all.
No matter what you think of the truck or anyone who buys them, yelling profanities at him, giving the guy the finger and spitting on/scratching his property makes you as bad if not worse of a person.
Are you going to include any information about Reed’s pending felony weapons charges? Or his prior arrests that involved firearms? Or perhaps question why he was driving around with a gun in his car with no concealed carry permit, and a previously revoked firearm owners identification card
A bunch of small counties across Texas & Oklahoma did that too. The purpose of the declaration is just to open up funding & modify DOT permits, which in this case is for loads of extra tow trucks, highway cops, altering permits (if needed) for stuff like extra grocery/fuel deliveries, denying lane closures for roadway…
Come on, that is such a bad take.
really are conducted by people with anti-Semite leaning
You should do a little research on his “sources”, Cosmo is hardly a medical journal. The condition he describes has been recorded less than 300 times in medical journals ever.
“All the racist, anti-Semitic, transphobic and generally bigoted views he’s been pushing on Twitter”
“There are food items that contain alcohol, but not in a quantity that would cause intoxication. However, the food items may falsely trigger a positive breathalyzer result. Fruit, hot sauce, energy drinks, pure vanilla extract, fermented sodas, and protein bars can also cause a false positive.”
Wrangler with the “angry face” grille.
Clickbait gonna clickbait.
My thoughts on Tesla are complicated. I dislike Musk, I think Tesla fans are obnoxious, I hated that my wife bought a Model Y in January this year because it looks silly, and I strongly dislike how much shit on these seems to be done just for the sake of being different.
On the other hand, my family has two cars now-…
Try to do better. I’m not a fan of Trump either, but simply disliking someone simply because of their political preferences is why we’re in this miserable situation in the first place. A person is not just the sum of their voting record.
“These are not cheap cars.”
Surely this is the wrong way to go about things, if I learnt anything from Moonraker is that there should be a conference room under the engines.
A quick Google search gave me 8 million gallons per minute for the colorado river from US Geological Survey.
Oh, if Musk hadn’t bought Twitter, this article would have never been written. People are completely unable to separate their feelings about the owner of the company and things that company does. Before Musk was hated, everything SpaceX did was amazing. Now, the same engineers are still working there, making…
Oh, ffs. I’ll cite some actual numbers to provide context.
Here’s a study published in the journal Health Physics, measuring radioactivity of phosphogypsum piles.
The concentration of Radon-226 was found about 1.1 Becquerel per gram. One Becquerel is a single radioactive decay…