
It’s not because of “5G. ” It’s because radio frequencies the US FCC has sold to commercial operators for 5G use are too close to radio frequencies used in aviation, so there could be interference. Other countries presumably haven’t sold radio frequencies to commercial operators so close to radio frequencies used for

I think having a strong opinion on those people being “cool” or “posers” to be incredibly tiring, high school level, nonsense.

Its not though. Its a horrible call. Anyone who has done statistical analysis of risk knows how dumb a call this is. Increasing total vaccine hesitancy by even .1% will cost more lives in the long run than this. Thats the problem this decision misses the forest through the trees.

I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you’re not a bad faith troll, because boy howdy is this take hot.

If I had loaned you my Model Y and you took it out four-wheeling in the desert, we’d be having words when you brought it back.

You’re right, I guess I’ll stop doing my job because you don’t like it or whatever.

its software guys in Mumbai”

someone is going to post it anyway so here: Lockers before lights.

Yep. Counterpoint to article: You take an offramp on your way to daycare with your kid in the rear seat. Round the corner, headed right into a group of protesters. You hit your brakes, they swarm the car, start pounding on the hood and windows. You can’t backup, you’re surrounded. Fearing for your life (you’ve seen

“Inconvenienced by a crowd”??? Jesus H Tapdancing Christ are you people just downright stupid.

Oh, were all 66 of these incidents preceded by threats to a persons vehicle?

Nope, but if I was inside it and a crowd of people started breaking the window, I would get out of there the best I could. An attack on my property while I’m inside it is a reliable precursor to an attack on my person.

Based on recent history I expect this post will be deleted, but while it’s up:

People who dont stand in the middle of the road get hit 0% of the time. True story.

There is no “conversation”. At this point it feels like a witch hunt.

I mean the founder of the company had no problem selling vehicles to Nazis

So someone jumps in front of your vehicle to stop you with their bicycle and their body while someone else tries to break out your windows (which you can clearly see in the video) and you don’t think flooring it and getting out of there is a good idea? I’m sorry he hit someone, but it’s completely understandable.


Wait so you’re saying I can make my wife and kids do all the work when camping if I just pretend to hate my truck, and pulling things with it?  DO you have to pretend to have a bad time at the campsite also?  That part would be tough.

Oh, Justin.

As he should be released! Get the trash off the freeway. He should have never stopped and put his life in danger.