
“I was like, good gracious, ass is bodacious”

So you really think we’ll see a war between NATO and what, Iran-Russia-and maybe somehow but almost certainly not China? It’s not going to happen. There’s no rising sentiment in the West toward war, just horrifying crackdowns on immigration and certain minority groups. Those are the people I’d worry about, not the

Oh, God, shut up.

i’d be fine with fracturing NATO if it meant no more Turkey in the alliance.

Honestly, this isn’t too surprising. German police have rushed to stop 8 different terrorist attacks in the past year. Unfortunately, some things are only a matter of time.

Is today like a special holiday on the jihadi calendar or something? Quick, someone contact Biddle amd ask him if he read anything in this month’s Dabiq.

People with a mindset stuck in the 14th Century cannot live with the rest of us. But Merkel will rather sue Facebook for hate speech then save their own citizens from terrorists.

Everything is terrible, and getting worse.

Putin’s dumb, but he’s not that dumb. No way he challenges NATO. Even a shitty NATO country like Turkey.

Fox News:

Liberals launch next wave of attacks in War on Christmas

“I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it, if you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

Hah. National media covering all appearances equally?

Calling people ass backwards is totally going to convince us to give up our inflated votes.

Thank you, someone who is reasonable.

People like to preach the “False Equivalence” of the two candidates. Why can’t he preach the “False Equivalence” of two very different election types?

It is neither a false equivalency, nor is it moot. Hillary had significant ethical shortcomings that, while not as severe as Trump’s (i.e., not “equivalent”), still failed to meet any reasonable standard of “purity,” much less the “highest burden” thereof. And a failure to acknowledge that she failed to meet this

Its because we’re dumb.

This isn’t what we want. 45% of people didn’t vote. 2 million more people voted for Hillary than for Trump. And the average American is so far removed from the political process that they looked up, saw two bad candidates, and shrugged. I hate when people say “the public” is responsible for this, or that “the public”

The logical fallacy isn’t to observe that both candidates had disqualifying ethical shortcomings; the fallacy is to pretend that just because Clinton’s ethical shortcomings weren’t as bad as Trump’s, it means they somehow weren’t shortcomings at all.

The nation’s highest job should carry the highest burden of purity.