
hate to say it but this looks bad on Angela Merkel. I guess its true that no good deed goes unpunished.

its like the assassination of Franz Ferdinand

actually i think most americans would be ok with the shutting down of a shitty website that promotes revenge porn.

can make a 9/11 joke but a Flint water joke is a line to far.

yeah, the headline and the article were way different. Click bait at its finest.

how dare people question the anointed one. She was already anointed in 08 but Barack surprised the hell out of everyone.

and lets not forget how armed those damn conservatives are. I rather just deal with the next four years with president trump and beat his ass during the midterms and the presidential election than a fucking violent uprising. I mean we were angered when Trump said he was not sure if he would concede so lets not be

remember guilty until proven innocent in deadpan readers mind.

wtf how would you feel if the silicon valley guys did that to the Atlanta show. You would be losing your shit. Don’t do mental gymnastics to excuse shitty and childish behavior.

no they haven’t because everyone would lose their shit times a billion. We would get think pieces of the entitlement of white people taking awards from other people.