P.F. Bruns

@alienshards: And they are just so darn cool. You know what I'd be if I refused to do my job? Unemployed.

@Mediocre: Nice house...shame if anything happened to it...

@MissFactor: I'm sorry that people have been mean to you, and I'm not trying to excuse disrespect or impoliteness, but smoking does not just harm your body. You have a right to do whatever you want to with your body, but not a right to harm others, and smoking does harm others. That it only harms them a little bit

@lurkerbynature: My wife is extremely allergic. My job is to spot jerks like the individuals you've encountered and help her avoid them. Failing that, sometimes I have to ask people if they are allergic to knuckles.

@hellosunshine: Because network executives are stupid and evil.

If they have to put a sign up after, he must have a hell of an effect on her.

Great. Another advance in the science of teaching computers to talk. Wake me when they teach computers to shut up.

@RJ realized that Xbox Live is full of little kids...: Not at all. V and "Nemesis" are much, much worse; II, VI, and "First Contact" are all much better. The others, for me, up until the 2009 version, were all rather meh. FWIW, I liked "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home," but then I'm an admitted Trekkie.

Now we know how the thinnest excuses in the world can be constructed.

@CannibalDan: I like Olivia a lot too, but Carrie Keagan looked very hot (especially her boobs and the vulnerable but excited look in her eyes) when they had her on the bed.

@Grive: I think G4 is gradually letting her move on. She still sometimes hosts, and they still explain that she's away, but I don't think she's going to come back full-time. I think it's great that she's getting more mass media face time, though.

@TheLolotov: The one on G4 stops at the neck. It also looked like something that could easily be made at home and assembled wherever desired. I mean, basically, there's a latex undersheet (similar to a fitted sheet that goes over a mattress, it looks like, though it doesn't necessarily have to; it just looks better

@leicester: Aaaand we're done. Good night, everybody!



@SevatiChelios: Yeah, but Microsoft should have realized we were just kidding.

@Lysol: I could have gone my whole life without knowing that.

@JRC-Whacking!: Well, the Dodge Viper gradually grew from an unsophisticated road sled to a very even-tempered car best suited for the track, and too expensive either way to be accessible to all but the upper middle class.

@JackTrade: Truth be told, I liked the look of that generation, though the scale for probing would still be a problem. ;)