P.F. Bruns

As funny as that comment is, my mileage varies. I'm not saying V is brilliant or anything, but I do derive some entertainment value from it. I do keep hoping Anna will eventually turn to some human and shout, "The problem is your stupid minds. Stupid! Stupid!"

Interesting study. It does make me seriously question the concept of catharsis.

Questions abound. Do queens get bitchier with each clutch of eggs? Will Tyler ever get laid, and if so, will he survive the experience to enjoy the inevitable long dry spell? How do queens keep their amazingly svelte figures while they breed? And most importantly, will we ever get the three-way catfight in the mud

Yay! It's NOT Megan Fox!

I'm absolutely with you on this. And Staff People: We understand that you really thought we'd like this redesign, but there are a LOT of problems with it. For one thing, where's the "Expand All Replies" option? I've never liked clicking on every single "See [x] replies by..." link. Now, we have the "ALL" button

What is it going to release? "Release" is a transitive verb. The company may release the toy on Valentine's day, but (unless there's a problem with it) the toy is not likely to release anything. Please don't use "release" the way you're doing it above. It looks ugly. If you want to structure your sentence that way,

I won't be at NYCC, but I agree with you wholeheartedly. This man can draw!

While I think adding Spidey to the FF is a bad idea that I hope will only last a few issues (seriously, this is why the kid can't keep a job—he's doing too much superhero-ing!), I perversely like the white costume. It manages to be nicely spider-y.

@CaptClown: To quote Deadpool, "My common sense is tingling!"

Guys, it's "Kwajalein," not "Kwajalien."

Obama needs to elevate the head of the Department of Irony to a cabinet-level position.

@Lagi: Not all the yanks, America-basher.

I still can't wrap my brain around the subtitle "Turn Off the Dark." What's the sequel: "Solar Powered Flashlight"? "Turn On the Dork"?

Love it! Also: scantily-clad women FTW. (Yeah, I used to be Merritt Stone once. Why do you ask?)

@Mr_Academic: "There is an active fan base who will watch with glee as this thing disappears from the box office faster than Pluto Nash."

Decision at Doona by Anne McCaffrey was so unreadable when I picked it up that I still haven't gone back to read any of her other books 21 years hence.

@Meander061: Yes. Yes, it did. It also gave animated series viewers the first Catwoman to use her whip as a surrogate "tail," which is...nice.

@Mister_Roboto: It hasn't premiered yet. Even NBC is not usually that cancelicious.