P.F. Bruns

@minardi: A trademark can apply to any trade dress for a brand or product, including but not limited to the logo or logotype. IANAL, but I've had a lot of practical experience with trademarks. A logo can represent a product, a product line, a brand, or even a concept. Heck, even our current U.S. President has a

@jeffsnewphone: I wanna be boomshadow@repurposingmyfreeaoldiscs.com.

@bflorin: Sorry for the late reply. You absolutely can.

@tomsomething: I can help. I speak fluent Australian.

@Zinger314: Yeah, but I'll just pirate it.

Now I can finally get a tan—4 cm at a time.

What's the context for the photo, though? I mean, it looks awfully good for an "Oh, look, an actor is flipping someone off" shot, particularly since it's shot from in front of the actor in question. It's pretty hard to whip around and snap a photo like that with such clarity, unless the photographer had already

@JaguarChick: In other words, they're not even capable of a good reacharound?

@Matt Hardigree: I notice you've moved some threads in this post's comments to #typos with the customary "See Community Policy" link, apparently because the commenters misunderstood the thrust of the article. What "community policy" are they violating? I don't see anything in there about typos.

@TheMightyBuzzard: ...if you count English as a first language. English is currently the most popular second language in the world, and there are a few hundred million people in China currently using it as such.

@FenixOK: Or Snake Plissken.

@Prairie Moon: I've been trying to sell out for years! What kind of deal did you get?

I am rooting for this to work in general, of course, since it could conceivably solve many of our worst energy problems if the panels are cheap to manufacture, but I admit I'm mostly rooting for it so I can tell future generations, "See this Super Soaker? The guy who invented these also saved the world. Oh, and gotch

@moonled: Good comic books, though, are at least internally consistent. Johnny Storm usually saves the heavy attacks for those he knows can take it, while the (traditional standard-issue green) Hulk literally doesn't know or care how tough his targets are, and has no compunctions about killing.

I really had such high hopes for this show; I've always enjoyed Michael Chiklis and Julie Benz in their other respective projects, but the writing on this show just plain sucks.

@TheShinyHobbiest: No, I'm dead serious. I have recently encountered large swaths of people online and offline who seem to take a certain pride in not being bothered to look up their facts. On the other hand, you even listed your sources in your first comment. That, my friend, is rare. It shouldn't be, though.

@Myklsan: Yeah, but calling ourselves United States-ians just wouldn't sound right.