P.F. Bruns

@circa86: I'll tell you something you could drop that would make everyone happy: that chip on your shoulder.

@TableNein: You should have put your sunglasses on dramatically as you made that comment. ;)


@sonataofashes: Too much prior use. In fact, in the realm of #uselesstrivia, the first known proponent of the :)? Abraham Lincoln.

@Poom: Well, let's put it this way: at his age, he was lucky to get fully inflated in the first place.

@LTDScott: And we're done here. ;)

@kake81: Nice! Thank you.

@Seth Williams: Let's hope. Orgazmo, though, was a straight-up spoof—not just of superhero films, but of LDS and porn, while Mystery Men had a completely earnest tone (in my view, at least), and the occasional sly, up-the-sleeve laugh. ("We have a date with Destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster!")

@worldgreatestgirl: You mean having a blatantly Anglo guy with five-o-clock shadow and a terrible intermittent British accent does not equal Iranian? :)

@Andrew M: And I'm sure you need to head to the gym in 26 minutes, ITG, so I'll make this short and sweet: I'm a fat guy. Bite me.

@kake81: I'm afraid you're suffering from linkus nonworkus. That link gets you to IKEA, but it's a 404 from there.

@Cliff_Roswell: Definitely. Pixar started with shorts. Just because they happen to also be brilliant at making features doesn't mean they should stop making shorts. I just hope they can keep the focus on the stories and characters.

@drsquirrel: Yes, because we explicitly authorized BP, Transocean, and Halliburton to gundeck safety procedures.

@SkipErnst: Yes, we'd be able to shave at least 1-5 percent off our offshore drilling requirements.

@A.Jaswal: b-b-but clean coal! ;)