P.F. Bruns

@george9807: But they're supplying it unsafely. That's not my fault.

@Snes: So you're saying that the potential for even more oil spewing into the Gulf—and being made radioactive by the fallout—is a GOOD idea?

@coketown: There was going to be deep water drilling anyway. Letting the oil companies have ANWR would not have stopped that. There's simply too much oil under the Gulf—as we are now seeing.

Apple is releasing iOS4. iOS4 is not "releasing." "Release" is a transitive verb, and operating systems cannot release themselves. Please stop perpetuating this type of illiterate-looking "industry-speak."

@xzzy: I inherited my father's last vehicle, a 1970 Ford F-100, when he died. I was 12. My mother held on to the truck until, with the idea that we'd fix it up together and I would drive it, but we never had the time or the money, and she finally sold it off to the church for a few extra hundred. Project cars are

@CRXPilot: Before I was born, my dad (may he rest in peace) had a 1966 Falcon. I wish he had held on to that car, but as it was, he traded it in on a '67 Belvedere with better interior space...and a push-button transmission, which family lore has it they took back to the dealer almost as soon as they drove it off the

@djdare: Wow! You got reductio ad absurdum in 13 words or less! In other words, you're wrong: people's lives don't have to be completely beyond their control. Just a little bit is all one needs. Again, just because you got out, doesn't mean that anyone who didn't is inferior. You made the disparaging statements

@TweenLantern: Hey, Batman has now been in a couple of good movies—I think if one tries hard enough, one could make a good movie featuring Catwoman. After all, Joel Schumacher made two Godawful Batman movies before Nolan made two good ones. Since we have now seen one mediocre and one HORRRRRRRRRRIBLE Catwoman movie,

@djdare: The fact that BP was fined 760 times in the past five years (next nearest competitors: Sunoco and Conoco Philips at 8 each—Exxon got fined once) underscores that BP basically could have prepared for this, but gundecked the safety protocols.

@InsidiousTuna: Damn! All my best ideas have been done already.

@ZanipoloLebron: When did that happen? He pretends to kill Shiva when fighting as Tengu when returning to take back the mantle from Azrael, but I don't recall another incident where he killed someone.

@TweenLantern: We'll have to agree to disagree. I've read Batman comics for 30 years and watched the WB Animated Series since its debut in 1992, and other than the fact that he spends an inordinate amount of time fighting the disfigured and the mentally ill, I find quite a few of his adversaries intriguing. The

@WookieLifeDay: Yes. Yes, he would. He's a character actor, though, with the range of a cruise missile, so he'd pretty much have to. Ooo! Geekgasm: Terry O'Quinn as Perry White meets J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson.

@djdare: No, it's BP's fault because they didn't give a ^&*% about safety. As far as hurricane avoidance, have you ever lived on so little money that you didn't have any left over for things like moving expenses? Were you able to successfully change domiciles anyway? If yes, then where were you when these people

I think the mannequin out-emotes her.

@djdare: Yes, since we're all civil engineers with a background in oceanography, marine biology, and deep-sea diving, and independently wealthy besides, of course we should all get out and do something to clean up and fix this.

@MifuneT: Well, remember, Obama walks on water, so he can't get down to the source of the problem. ;)

@spider2544: Considering how much Cameron has shown his love for the ocean on and off screen, I would definitely trust him before BP. Plus, he has enough cash now to stuff a few billion into the pipe and stop it up. ;)

@micah1_8: He did the best he could with a bad script and direction that I can only describe as workmanlike.