P.F. Bruns

@priapism: And that's just from their driving.

@Jackie: But it's the owner who makes the mods.

@JDUB: And if you want to piss 'em off, mention that the original 302 is only a 4.9 liter motor. ;)

@KAR120C: Oh, I agree that it would be an intriguing competition, particularly since the least expensive Porsche currently available still prices out higher than the most expensive fully-optioned MINI, if I recall correctly (and that's before any dealer disincentives).

@punksmurph: On the other hand, if you'd let him have his way with you, he'd have finished first.

@KAR120C: To me, it's a bit like if a horny teenager made a pass at Angelina Jolie, and Angelina gently let him down with a "Sorry, kid, but there's nothing in it for me here."

Well, that's just...actually pretty classy. Wow.

I used to have a SonyEricsson something-or-other (one of the early camera phones, for what it was worth back then), and it survived a fall off the vertical loop on Montu, a roller coaster at Busch Gardens Tampa.

@El_Mexicutioner: My only concern here is that lots of iPhone apps call for you to shake the phone. If one were to confuse the phone and the baby...

@Rokk-Bandit: Maybe Steve Jobs should change the gravitational constant of the universe. Is there an app for that?

@Goldenboy666: It's not just you. I feel like the logo should be clickable, which would be very strange and hard to implement on a paper/laminate movie lobby card.

It really could use a smaller plug, and the use of a metal fitting just behind it probably does not inspire confidence.

The kiosk rollout alone may or may not save Blockbuster, but given the total lack of crowds at the stores in my area that have remained open, I'd say a full shutdown of their retail stores will eventually become a necessity either way. The kiosks help with impulse rentals, which remain a strong point of sale. Look

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: That in itself is not particularly distressing until one notes that they aren't particularly skilled at business either. Often, the only things separating a top executive from a prole are a $%^&-eating grin and a $2000 suit.

I love seeing Picasa listed in the installer as a "photo manger." Does it require hay? ;)

45 custom plates in Washington state? Pikers. Florida has at least 100, and California a few more (unless budget cuts have reduced their numbers back below Florida's).

@dmarcus48: I messed up my back a few years ago, so I can relate—nowhere near your level, of course; just a couple of badly herniated disks for which my surgical prognosis is basically split evenly three ways between improvement, status quo, and further debilitation. However, if I keep my back straight, do my

@gman1023: Oh, agreed on all counts. One of the major reasons the F/A-18 gradually phased out the F-14 had to do with maintenance: I went to C-school with a pair of former airframe mechanics who noted that swapping out an engine in an F-14 in reasonable conditions took two hours, while doing the same to an F/A-18

@Jim Casey: Who cares about ugly if it works? Who cares about speed when you have survivability and the best gun ever?

@doomonu: I've also had an A-10 fly directly overhead while I was staying on leave at McCord in Tacoma, WA, and I didn't know there was even an aircraft in the vicinity until it had already flown overhead....about 200 feet overhead.