P.F. Bruns

@jodark: facts do not change just because of the ideology of those reporting them. Also, you keep using this word "liberal." I do not think it means what you think it means.

@mkbruin: Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

@IN THE FACE!: Mind you, moose bites can be pretti nasti...

@mrl325i: You're quite welcome!

@Ratchet1: For the sake of us crotchety old folk, please watch other news sources, including, but not limited to:

@Ratchet1: Responses like yours are why people abroad sometimes dislike us. EVERYONE has a right to express his or her opinion.

@winstano: Thank you. I'll be in mah bunk.

I'm very strongly anti-censorship, but I'm having a real problem defending a game that has rape, a terrible crime that wrecks the lives of its victims, as a primary objective.

@Abaddon: UPDATE! Jonathan Ross cannot pronounce "R" sounds!

@Leanid: Compared to Europe, our "left" is more like "center right." Seriously, the Republicans of 1956 were more liberal than modern day Democratic Party members. It's all relative.

@Wizard: I thought MSNBC was the left response to Fox News and CNN was the attempt to constantly veer back and forth between left and right so as to keep the viewer dizzy and more receptive to advertising. :D

Great! After I buy it, I won't have anything to put in it!

@rainofwalrus: And it didn't come first. Ultima had FPS elements at least a year before Wolfenstein 3D.

@magus-21: I loved both Babylon 5 and Deep Space Nine for different reasons, but I didn't feel that DS9 ripped off B5. Yes, they're both set on space stations, and yes, J. Michael Stracynski did pitch B5 to Paramount (later Viacom, now CBS) shortly before DS9 went into production. However, I felt that the shows were

@H-Falcon: I thought Bridge Commander was a potentially outstanding game in search of a decent control system. I realize the designers were trying to shoehorn the jobs and objectives of an entire bridge crew into one keyboard and mouse, but I found the game unwieldy and unplayable as it was.

I am proud to say I want: