Well, the serious answer is the boring one: It’s about navigating restricted waters with very large ships.
Well, the serious answer is the boring one: It’s about navigating restricted waters with very large ships.
Seriously, do yourself a favor and go read the reviews. You’ll thank me later.
It’s a tossup between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. And I’m pretty sure that was a Tim Horton’s cup. No self respecting Canadian would be caught on video with anything less.
there is a show called “Trailer Park Boys” that is actually set in nova scotia... sooo yeah pretty much
Is Nova Scotia like Canada’s West Virginia?
The Ram Power Wagon is a real “back country” pickup. This TRD Pro is a joke in comparison.
This is a garbage argument and we both know it, same as track cars on tracks pickups hauling a load etc. Garbage argument is garbage.
Dammit! I had my heart set on VIN 001. Forget the whole thing now!
I love it! Now when I go shopping, I’ll just have the car follow me around and throw my stuff in the trunk as I go. No need to park!